Emotional Release and Traumatic Events

Emotional Release and Traumatic Events

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This blog post highlights the significance of emotional expression and the healing journey that follows significant traumatic incidents, underlining the impact on our mental well-being if not adequately managed.

Decoding Emotional Stress from Trauma

Experiencing a severe traumatic event triggers an intricate mix of hormonal and physiological reactions in our bodies, known as the fight or flight response1. This response is intended to aid survival in the face of immediate threats, but continuous exposure to traumatic stress can result in chronic health problems, including anxiety and depression2.

Emotional Expression Following Traumatic Events

Emotional expression involves recognising, articulating, and releasing long-lasting emotions connected with traumatic incidents3. It’s a vital step towards recovery as it encourages us to face our emotions rather than repressing them. Neglecting or suppressing emotions following trauma can result in prolonged psychological harm4. The modes of emotional expression can differ significantly among individuals. Some may find comfort in discussing their feelings with a trusted friend, relative, or mental health expert. In contrast, others might prefer solitary activities like writing, painting or practising mindfulness meditation. Engaging in physical exercises, such as yoga, running, or court sports, can also serve as an effective method for discharging accumulated emotions.

The Journey Towards Healing After Trauma

After acknowledging and expressing our emotions, the journey towards healing from trauma can commence5. Healing doesn’t imply erasing the trauma nor the emotions tied to it; instead, it means learning to coexist with them constructively. Therapy and counselling often prove to be helpful during this phase, offering tools and strategies to manage stress and steer through emotional chaos. Self-care habits, such as regular exercising, eating a balanced diet, ensuring enough sleep, and nurturing positive relationships, are also essential for overall mental wellness.

Cultivating Resilience in the Face of Traumatic Events

The ultimate aim of the healing journey is to cultivate resilience. Resilience doesn’t guarantee that we won’t encounter stress or trauma in the future, but it ensures that we’ll be better prepared to deal with such situations when they occur6. Cultivating resilience often requires fostering supportive relationships and mastering practical problem-solving skills. It’s a lifelong endeavour, but one that can result in enhanced emotional fortitude and mental stability.

In Summary

Emotional expression and the ensuing healing journey are vital elements of maintaining your mental health, especially after a significant traumatic incident. By acknowledging and articulating your emotions, adopting self-care practices, seeking professional assistance when necessary, and striving to cultivate resilience, you ensure you do your best in preparation if a traumatic event occurs. Remember, it’s perfectly fine to seek help, and it’s perfectly fine to allow time for healing from trauma. You and your mental health deserve it.

  1. Healthline
  3. Mind
  4. HelpGuide
  5. CAMH
  6. Trauma Informed Care

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