Terms and Conditions

Every client and every situation is unique, so results may vary from person to person. Tee Cooper does not make any guarantees that you will achieve the same results as clients who have provided testimonials. The views and opinions expressed by clients for the services provided by Tee Cooper in their testimonials are from their personal communications and they are their own experiences. Tee Cooper may consider them typical, but everybody experiences therapy differently.

Full names and some personal details are not disclosed for privacy reasons. Some clients may be willing to be contacted for testimonials by genuinely interested parties upon request.

Tee Cooper does not claim that services are a substitute for medical treatment. Services and information offered on this website are not intended to diagnose or to encourage ceasing of medical treatment. Always consult a doctor if you are ill, especially if there are new symptoms or pain or if you want to change your treatment or medication. 

Privacy Policy

All written and verbal communications are confidential unless there is a requirement by law to disclose.

Booking, Cancellation & Refunds Policy

Please do not book in for any services unless you are absolutely sure you can attend.

Sessions can be purchased via email to tee@teecooper.com

A 50% deposit payment is required at the time of booking for all sessions, with the exception of  consultations, which is $90.00 in total. The remaining balance for booked sessions is required prior to the booked session, or cash on the day. The 50% deposit payment is non refundable should you not attend the associated session. There are no refunds if you cancel an appointment for any reason, as replacement clients for your appointment are not always possible.

The Compassionate Healer Liability Policy

Limitation of Liability: Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall Tee Cooper be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, personal damage to self, others, loss of assets, arising out of the use, or the inability to use the services advertised. Tee Cooper is not responsible for any liability or damage a client may incur whilst attending a session, or as a result of actions taken or inactions. Clients must take full personal responsibility for their use of the information provided. Tee Cooper gives no warranty on the services you purchase. Full details are displayed on the web site as to what the item will entail. If for any reason you are not happy with your selection this remains your responsibility.

Self Responsibility

 Every client is responsible for their own self-improvement. By attending any session with Tee Cooper, the client agrees to focus on resolving their issue by participating with honesty and transparency. The client agrees to engage with the tools, strategies and guidance offered in and out of session/s. The client agrees to commit to each session and to have an open mind. Activities are expected to be completed outside of sessions and returned before the next session unless otherwise advised.